Blue Mountain

20 October 2013

How to Change a Post Title Background Color on a Google Blog

Step 1 Log in to your business blog on Blogger.

Step 2 Click "Template" on your Blogger dashboard.

Step 3 Click the "Customize" button under the "Live on Blog" preview.

Step 4 Click "Advanced" in the upper left pane and scroll down to "Add CSS."

Step 5 Click on "Add CSS." An input window will open to the right. If you are using a classic template, type: { background-color: your color here; }

For a dynamic template, type:

div.article-header { background-color: your color here; }

Replace "your color here" with either the name of a color, HTML notation such as "#000000" or RGB color such as "rgb(0,0,0)". Note that "transparent" (without the quotes) works as a color, too.

Your finished changes should look similar to the following: { background-color:#808080; }


div.article-header { background-color:transparent; }